Friday, October 21, 2022

Sanctum of Horror - 2021 Adventure

So last weekend it rained here pretty much all day Saturday and Sunday was just a dreary day. Really had that PA feel....and I wasn't missing it! It's abnormal for us to get a full day of rain, let alone rain this late into the year. 

Since we didn't have any adventures last week, I decided it was a good time to revisit a past adventure prior to starting the blog. What better topic than a Haunted House for late October!

This particular haunted house is located at the Superstitions Springs Mall. Since we didn't know exactly where, we decided to just park and walk around. We saw some flashy lights, headed that direction and instead of finding the haunted house we found a little carnival! 

We didn't actually go check it out, but I did see it was set up again this year. Maybe we'll go visit one of these days. 

After walking around the entire mall we finally found it. Turns out we were parked closer than we thought, we just went the long way around. Haha. 

The Haunted House is title the Sanctum of Horror, but you actually get access to two separate houses and are able to go through them as many times as you want for the one admission price. 

We did the Sanctum of Horror first. The lines actually moved pretty fast as there were characters out and about scaring people while we waited, which was pretty entertaining in itself.

This house was probably my favorite of the two. I really like the spooky decor outside as well. 

The Breach was the second house and had more of a sci-fi feel to it. While it was also scary and cool, I like the old school scare feel of Sanctum.

Being in a mall parking lot this event really went all out. Not only did you have the two houses, they also had a live band playing on the roof. One of the characters got up there and was waving his chain saw around. He then started throwing glow sticks to the crowd. It was wild!

The week after we went they were doing a separate event that you could get access to with your tickets. It was the same two house but under black lights. Unfortunately, we didn't get to go to that because we already had other plans and it was one night only. 

There are several other Haunted Attractions nearby, so I'm hoping we get to hit a new one up this year! 

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